Of all the German words that I encountered when I first moved to Germany, it was ‘pflegeleicht’ that struck me.
I first saw it on the washing machine. Then stamped in giant letters on a box in our temporary apartment (I wasn’t rifling through the owner’s things – the boxes were on the landing).
So I decided to look it up.
According to the dictionary, ‘pflegeleicht’ was ‘adj easy-care’.
I got two things from this.
One, life here would involve having to decipher the meaning of EVERYTHING.
But two – everything being filled with symbolism in those first months – was it a sign that adapting to our new life would be pflegeleicht?
With the wisdom of hindsight, the first was true and the second wasn’t. But a don’t-worry-be-happy attitude did help with both. ω
Experienced: 19.10.2008 || Recounted: 13.11.2015
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