Immediately after WWII, women shouldered the bulk of clearing the tons of rubble in bombed cities. These Trümmerfrauen (rubble women) impacted gender roles in Germany. ...
The name of the U-Bahnhof Südstern (literally, south star) references the station's location at Berlin's erstwhile southern boundary, from which roads leaving the city radiated in a star shape. ...
Ah! Spring. Season of .. allergenic early-flowerers a.k.a. hay fever-inducing plants. One culprit is the Pappeln or poplar (Populus), which produces 'summer snow'. ...
How do you make a new monument matter on a busy street? The monument was to Georg Elser, a carpenter who in 1939 tried to assassinate Hitler and other Nazi leaders but failed. ...
With limbs and bits of torso missing, the marble statues were also rather unceremoniously lumped together in a corner of Spandau's Zitadelle (Citadel). A far cry from their original purpose .. ...
To great hilarity, my husband put together bits of two sentences he had half heard and that is how the cake came to be known as Eva Ohne Sahne (Eva Without Cream). We were at Yoggi's birthday party .. ...