Read more about the article Summer Snow
For those not allergic to pollen, Poppelnflaum (poplar fluff) is a magical sight. - by SL Wong

Summer Snow


Ah! Spring. Season of .. allergenic early-flowerers a.k.a. hay fever-inducing plants. One culprit is the Pappeln or poplar (Populus), which produces 'summer snow'.

Read more about the article Why Did the Frog Cross the Road?
Rana esculenta - by SL Wong

Why Did the Frog Cross the Road?

Warum Überquert der Frosch die Straße?

A white bucket in hand, Christine Zorn walks along the knee-high tarpaulin fencing a road in Buch, in north Berlin. The air is thick with the sound of noisy seagulls…


Gardens for All

Gärten für Alle

Old bed frames and plastic containers are among the recycled materials that make up the community gardens at the former Tempelhof Airport, now a park.


Climate Action


Leading up to to the Copenhagen Summit, Germany's Greenpeace held an installation in front of the Brandenburger Tor demanding politicians do the right thing. “Carbon dioxide stinks” is among climate…

Read more about the article Eco Easy Rider
Gulas' philosophy is about the breaking of the pyramid of transport in terms of power. - by SL Wong

Eco Easy Rider

Öko Easy Rider

It's been called a transport revolution, a bolt of lightning on wheels, in fact, one of the quickest forms of inner city transport on the planet. Best of all, it is environment-friendly.

Read more about the article How to Write a Climate Cookbook
Putting the book together involved discussion, agreement and compromise, say team members (left to right) Christian Noll, Julia Balz and Jan Lohr. - SL Wong

How to Write a Climate Cookbook

Wie Schreibt Man ein Klima Kochbuch

Game meat, eating in a group and using your bed as part of the cooking process: now, who would have thought these could help save the planet?