The Hunt
Die Jagd
This is a story of a waterlily pond, a frog and a snake. It is full of action, menace and suspense. Luckily, there is a happy ending although one party does look foolish.
Was it the princess in the lake that drew me? The Müggelberge's mysterious lake and moors transfixed me when I explored the area.
Ah! Spring. Season of .. allergenic early-flowerers a.k.a. hay fever-inducing plants. One culprit is the Pappeln or poplar (Populus), which produces 'summer snow'.
A white bucket in hand, Christine Zorn walks along the knee-high tarpaulin fencing a road in Buch, in north Berlin. The air is thick with the sound of noisy seagulls…
Jetlag gets me up at dawn. It is autumn and the bedroom is suffused with a light yellow. The yellow is from the maple leaves shading my bedroom window. Which…
A plus point about jetlag whenever I returned to Berlin from Malaysia was the quiet joy of seeing dawn break among scudding clouds. The only thing was that these clouds…
When I visited my first 'real' forest in Berlin, I could not help feeling how sparse it was compared to Malaysia's rainforests. I had long heard tell of Grunewald, Berlin's…
When the weather behaves, the intense blue of cloudless Berlin skies inspires a favourite indulgence: lying on my back and making shapes with leaf fringes.