Read more about the article To Russia With Love
Russian Colony Potsdam - by SL Wong

To Russia With Love

Zum Gedenken an Russland

This beauty of a Russian Orthodox church is a study in the neo-Byzantine style. The tiny church’s ancient caretaker appeared to only speak Russian and ignored me the entire time…


Lenné’s Curves

Lennés Bögen

Arbours, snaking pathways and clever lines of sight were employed by Prussian 'garden artist' Lenné to ingeniously link diverse and seemingly unconnected landscapes.

Read more about the article A Pyramid in a Park
This Egyptian pyramid stands out in the most English of gardens. - by SL Wong

A Pyramid in a Park

Eine Pyramide im Park

“It's good to be the king”, I thought, as I stood before the pyramid in Potsdam's Neue Garten (New Garden). Mel Brooks' catchphrase came to me because the structure standing…

Read more about the article Bridge of Spies
The Glienicker Brücke: divided we stand. - by SL Wong

Bridge of Spies


Was it optimism or irony that made them name the bridge the Brücke der Einheit (Bridge of Unity)?