Read more about the article Asian Encounters II
The history of Vietnamese in Germany is tied to Cold War divisions. - by SL Wong

Asian Encounters II

Asiatische Begegnungen II

I noticed him whilst I was hanging around a Bahnhof entrance in Neukölln, waiting to photograph the station disgorge passengers. Was he Vietnamese, I wondered, and was he selling contraband…

Read more about the article Asian Encounters I
Cherry blossoms Berlin - by SL Wong

Asian Encounters I

Asiatische Begegnungen I

As a new arrival in Berlin and being of Asian extraction, I somehow expected 'foreigner' to be stamped on my forehead for all to read and react to. Instead, no…

Read more about the article Against Japanese Whaling
Billboard of anti-whaling campagin against Japan. - by SL Wong

Against Japanese Whaling

Gegen den Japanische Walfang

Friends got really upset when we showed them a picture of this billboard targeting Japan's whaling programme. Was it racist? I didn't think so but I can see ..

Read more about the article Chinese Threat
"Kein Foto!" - by SL Wong

Chinese Threat

Die Chinesische Bedrohung

She darted at me, very upset. The German came thick and fast and all I could make out was “Kein Foto!” Taken aback, I lowered my camera. But why she was so perturbed?

Read more about the article Emancipation
Fireworks during the Fest der Freiheit celebrations of the 20th Anniversary of the Fall of the Wall. - by SL Wong



Strangers in Berlin generally didn't tell us what they thought of us, but a bank officer inadvertently did.

Read more about the article Headline Malaysia
How is news packaged for the U-Bahn's captive readership? - by SL Wong

Headline Malaysia

Schlagzeile Malaysia

Malaysia doesn't make it to the news very often in Berlin, especially the news digests that flash on the little U-Bahn (the underground) video screens. (Well, the annual Formula 1…

Read more about the article Strudel by any other Name
Good Apfelstrudel is defined by thin pastry and slightly sour, aromatic apples. - by SL Wong

Strudel by any other Name

Strudel von einem anderen Namen

“As German as apple strudel” should in the name of accuracy really be: “As Habsburgian as apple strudel”. Habsburg was of course the 18th century Vienna-headquartered empire spanning parts or…

Read more about the article Conference of Garden Gnomes
Gartenzwerge are supposed to be prolific in the quintessential-German-prolific sense.

Conference of Garden Gnomes

Konferenz der Gartenzwerge

Gartenzwerge are supposed to be prolific in the quintessential-German-prolific sense. However, I found them ..

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