Read more about the article Vhils Rebooted

Vhils Rebooted

Vhils Gerebootet

I was determined not to miss it again. After stumbling upon a magnificent giant portrait by street artist Vhils in 2012, I tracked down all four works that were in…

Read more about the article Stone Faced
Vhils for Levis' Go Forth Campaign, Potsdamer Str. 151 (Sven Marquardt) - by SLWong

Stone Faced

Königsroter Bahnhof

A giant face stared out at us from the wall of the building. In a city full of graffiti, the work was stunning for the quality of its portraiture. Excited,…



Raw Kunst Gallery

The buildings on Revalerstr. 99 were pointed out to us on our very first day in Berlin. But we never had cause to enter them. It was whilst on the trail of a piece by street artist Vhils that I finally walked into the RAW-Gelände.

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