The Hunt

Die Jagd

This is a story of a waterlily pond, a frog and a snake. It is full of action, menace and suspense. Luckily, there is a happy ending although one party does look foolish.

Read more about the article Why Did the Frog Cross the Road?
Rana esculenta - by SL Wong

Why Did the Frog Cross the Road?

Warum Überquert der Frosch die Straße?

A white bucket in hand, Christine Zorn walks along the knee-high tarpaulin fencing a road in Buch, in north Berlin. The air is thick with the sound of noisy seagulls…

Read more about the article Motley Mandarins
Non-native but well-adapted are Mandarin Ducks, seen here in the Tiergarten, Berlin - by SL Wong

Motley Mandarins

Kunterbunte Mandarinenten

If the crazy colours and patterns of male Mandarin Ducks don't point to natural selection at its most obvious, I don't know what does. Berlin-Brandenburg actually has the second largest Aix…