Read more about the article Evil According to Hannah Arendt
Hannah Arendt is honoured on a Berlin street-name bordering the Holocaust Memorial (inset). by SL Wong

Evil According to Hannah Arendt

Das Böse nach Hannah Arendt

I became attracted to Hannah Arendt in 2011, whilst visiting an exhibition on the trial of Nazi Adolf Eichmann. Eichmann was tried – and hanged – for his role in the Holocaust.

Read more about the article Wherever Man Burns Books
The memorial 'Bibliotek' (Library) was created by artist Micha Ullman, son of German Jewish immigrants; his "holes and constructions accentuate the emptiness of human structures" (Israel Museum). - by SL Wong

Wherever Man Burns Books

Wo Man Bücher Verbrennt

In the middle of a massive square in the heart of Berlin, is a sunken library. It can hold around 20,000 books. But its white shelves are empty. And it…

Read more about the article Stumbling Stone Memorials
Joseph and Helene Haase and their sister-in law, Margarete lived at No. 100. - by SL Wong

Stumbling Stone Memorials

Stolpersteine Denkmäler

It was drizzly, gray and wintery when we headed out to the Rathaus Neukölln. The heavily-pedestrianised Karl-Marx Strasse sidewalks had been narrowed by mounds of gray ice that had earlier…

Read more about the article All Love Respected
Memorial to the Homosexuals Persecuted under the National Socialist Regime

All Love Respected

Liebe ist Vielfältig

It is a single gray cuboid that references the 2,700 gray slabs across the road. As per its official description, it reflects how “we are the same .. human beings,…

Read more about the article A Wander in Grunewald
The forest takes its name from Grünewald, meaning greenwood, a forest that is green, which it decidedly was not in March. - by SL Wong

A Wander in Grunewald

Wandern in den Grunewald

When I visited my first 'real' forest in Berlin, I could not help feeling how sparse it was compared to Malaysia's rainforests. I had long heard tell of Grunewald, Berlin's…

Read more about the article Discover Truth
Jüdische Opfer des Faschismus by Will Lammert - by SL Wong

Discover Truth

Nach Wahrheit Finden

“Discover truth, love beauty, seek goodness, do the best one can,” (“Nach Wahrheit forschen, Schönheit lieben, Gutes wollen, das Beste tun”) is a quote by Moses Mendelssohn, the celebrated 18th…


Zwei Wege Trennen Sich

Two Roads Diverged

This is a translation by Volker Wolf, of SL Wong's 'Two Roads Diverged in a Yellow Wood'. Originally titled 'Zwei Wege Trenten Sich im Herbslichen Wald', it appeared in 'Kuala Lumpur - Berlin: Kisah Dua Bandar Raya / Kuala Lumpur - Berlin: Stadtgeschichten' (2012), a book by the Goethe-Institut Malaysia and the Malaysian Institute of Translation & Books.

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